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Our Services

Full Home Inspection

Our inspections provide crucial insights into the functionality, safety, and maintenance needs of your home’s major systems and components. Primary areas inspected include structural components, electrical systems, plumbing systems, HVAC systems, roofing conditions, and interior finishes.

Water Testing

Ensure the quality and safety of your well water by performing water testing. Typical tests check for E.coli and Bacteria. FHA/VA loans may require additional tests.

Radon Testing

Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. You cannot see it, smell it or taste it. Radon is produced by the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water. High levels of radon have been found in every state in the US. One in fifteen homes in the US have radon levels above 4 picocuries per liter (4pCi/L), the EPA action level.


Don’t need a written report? Walk-through inspections consist of the inspector verbally describing their impressions and pointing out any obvious issues. This may be a good choice for investors or before closing to see if any conditions have changed between the original inspection.